High-performance scalable organic photovoltaics with high thickness tolerance from 1 cm2 to above 50 cm2



•P(NDI2OD-T2) is introduced in PBDB-T-2F:N3 blend film to realize optimal morphology•The ternary BHJ shows a uniform morphology over large area•A active efficiently improves the CTM efficiency loss•The OPV module with an area of 58.5 cm2 rendered improved PCE 14.04% Organic photovoltaics (OPVs) have shown remarkably enhanced performance small cells; however, it highly important high-efficiency devices using large-area and thick films for successful industrial application. One critical issues development bulk heterojunction (BHJ) films, which reproducibly show high regardless their thickness. We demonstrate effective strategy reproduce composition second acceptor P(NDI2OD-T2) forms intricate channels PBDB-T-2F donor domains induces nanostructure uniformity both cases films. studied optoelectronic properties charge dynamics resulting film, corresponding notable 14.04%. Our work will provide promising guideline boosting area. 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(26.3 mA/cm2) (25.0 mA/cm2), consistent addition, larger Gmax 1.51 1028 m−3s−1 96.5%, (1.45 91.5%, respectively). processes aforementioned results, expect make favorable generation/dissociation. progressively same processing active-area size controlled changing length fixing width 2.5 mm one patterned stripe 3A, active-area-dependent excluding drop caused sheet resistance indium tin oxide (ITO). characteristic 3B S8A–S8C PCE, VOC, JSC, FF, area, 14.84% 0.3% 0.5 0.75 exhibit very 14.79% 0.26% 14.76% 0.34%, gradually 14.32% 0.24% 14.17% 0.27% 13.61% 0.4% devices, Such narrow mostly square cm, seen S9A S9B. S9C tabulated S9C, 12.75% (average 12.57% 0.32%) 14.51% 0.38%) PBDB-T-2F:N3-based OPV. layer 1:1.2:0 1:1.1:0.1 w/w/w S10A S10B 3C 3D Their 3. When 102–255 nm, decreased substantially 18.4% largest decrease parameters. contrary, optimum much thickness-tolerance and, thus, 291 14.12% cm2, 11.63% 3E; S3). Series shunt S11), 190–210 nm. me

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عنوان ژورنال: Joule

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['2542-4351', '2542-4785']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joule.2022.07.014